Innowitech offers beaglebone training and projects for engineering students in bangalore, Karnataka. This beaglebone projects are useful for emdedded students. Beaglebone development board is very powerful ARM processor based board which runs Linux OS. This job oriented beaglebone training is very useful to get job.

Job Oriented BeagleBone Board based training and projects
BeagleBone Board Features
- Texas Instruments AM3359 processor running at 700MHz speed
- 256MB DDR2 RAM
- GPIO ports to operate the servo motors
- USB interface to communicate with peripheral devices
- HDMI Port to interface with monitor
BeagleBone Training
Innowitech offers training on Beaglebone boards.We offer basic as well as advanced training based on the need of engineering students or embedded enthusiasts.
Project on Beaglebone Multifunction wireless robot with sensors
The Beaglebone Multifunction wireless robot is a Linux IP Based Webcam with added functionalities like temperature sensor and pressure sensor. The linux web server running on the beaglebone board can be mounted using The beaglebone board is mounted on the flat card board and wheels are made using card board discs. The same is connected with servo motors which are wirelessly controlled using wifi link. The camera is mounted to capture images and save videos. This application is used for surveillance application. The feature such as temperature and pressure sensing is also incorporated on the prototype platform. The project requires extensive PHP,HTML,javascripting, client server concepts,linux OS basic knowledge of wireless & networking and familiarity of embedded processor concepts.
Project on Beaglebone based Webcam Server
The goals of the Beaglebone Webcam Server project are to design and implement an IP webcam using open source software. The web interface is written with JavaScript and PHP, with certain functional sections implemented with AJAX calls to server scripts that manipulate configuration files, or run programs on the server. The camera is controlled using GUI based web interface written in PHP.